login.py (to check password)

 from urllib import urlopen, urlencode

 BASE_URL = 'http://d.hatena.ne.jp/'
 LOGIN_URL = BASE_URL + 'login'

 USERNAME = 'teamikl'
 PASSWORD = '********'

 param = urlencode({'key':USERNAME, 'password':PASSWORD})
 urlobj = urlopen(LOGIN_URL, param)

 if urlobj.url == LOGIN_URL:
   print "failed"
   print "successed"

TODO - How to get cookie ? (urlopen does not set cookie?)

 from urllib import urlencode
 import httplib

 BASE_URL = 'http://d.hatena.ne.jp/'
 LOGIN_URL = BASE_URL + 'login'

 def login(username, password):
   """ login(username, password) """
   data = {'key':username, 'password':password}
   conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('d.hatena.ne.jp')
   conn.request('POST', '/login', urlencode(data))
   res = conn.getresponse()

   location = res.getheader('location')
   if location == LOGIN_URL:
     raise HatenaLoginFailed
   elif location == BASE_URL + username:
     return res.getheader('Set-Cookie')
     raise HatenaError

 # XXX: I did not declare Exception classes, yet.

 # I want to use urllib, because I declare literals
 # LOGIN_URL, overwise I had hard coding the domain
 # and path, or I have to parse url string again.
 # urllib does it. But the problem, urllib does not
 # support cookie.